Big disagree and entirely unrealistic.How often did you have to sift through legacy code and try to figure out what the person before (who might have been your past self) was…Sep 2, 20241Sep 2, 20241
Published inHackerNoon.comWebSockets in ~50 Lines of GoA quick and easy guide to building a bare-minimum websocket application for bi-directional message transfer in Go.May 24, 202119May 24, 202119
Published inWe’ve moved to Go reflections and generic designs with a practical exampleReflections allow us to inspect and modify a program’s structure at its own runtime. In this article we will be looking at some parts of…Mar 13, 20183242Mar 13, 20183242
Published inHackerNoon.comDon’t blindly trust the Docker pingI was playing around with the good old ping command in an alpine Docker container today. I wanted to perform a little load test for another…Aug 9, 2017102Aug 9, 2017102
Automated pre-commit code checks with and without DockerContinuous Integration/Deployment pipelines are great. All you have to do is click a button and your code will be built, tested and perhaps…May 13, 2017252May 13, 2017252
Published inHackerNoon.comGetting rid of Docker plain text credentialsYou might not be aware of it, but the docker engine stores the credentials you use with docker login in plain text in a file called…Mar 8, 20171723Mar 8, 20171723